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Cloud Native Disaster Recovery using Kasten K10


Our client is managing critical infrastructure for a large power plant of 404 MW in Africa. The power plant is an air-gapped environment running an OpenShift Kubernetes on bare metal and vSphere in data center. The cluster runs an enterprise asset management system with 12TB of data and various stateful workload. The team needed support in setting up a disaster recovery site to safeguard againsts the threats and changes in production. We partnered with them to deliver a reliable DR solution and supported them throughout the journey.

The Challenge

The infrastructure was vulnerable: As the power plant was running many enterprise applications on-premise, which was important for their operations, their infrastructure was vulnerable due to lack of a DR site. They needed a reliable cloud-native Disaster Recovery solution to protect their critical infrastructure.

Technical Issues: The team was facing technical issues and needed external expertise in the RedHat OpenShift platform with the backup solution using Kasten K10, causing operational delays in the OpenShift upgrade.

Risk of On-time Delivery: The expertise gap and the resulting technical challenges as mentioned above, threatened the timely completion of the project.

The Impact

  • Set up of a DR site in a record time of one month from the ground up and tested recovery of 12TB of data.
  • Handling with care and zero data loss: the environment comprised of various mission critical stateful workload such as databases (Mongo, PostgreSQL and DB2) and Kafka queues.
  • Recovered from operational delays in the project and provided long term support.
  • Implemented ransomeware and accidental data loss protection on Kubernetes using Kasten K10.

Our Strategy and Solution

CloudRaft addressed challenges with a multi-faceted approach. We completed the entire project within a month, with a Disaster recovery setup from bare metal to virtual machine infrastructure on premise using Kasten K10 and S3 as a reliable storage, and supported the client's team in executing it.

Expert Consultation

Leveraging the deep expertise of CloudRaft's RedHat OpenShift specialists, the client received bespoke consulting services to navigate complex backup and recovery requirements.

Custom Configuration

CloudRaft performed a complete assessment of the existing infrastructure and implemented tailored configurations to overcome the internal challenges.

Training and Knowledge Transfer

To bridge the expertise gap, CloudRaft offered specialized training sessions for client's in-house team, instilling essential skills for ongoing project management and maintenance.


Created a production environment on a secure virtual platform to optimize cost of DR environment. CloudRaft ensured a robust testing ground that mitigated risks associated with deploying untested configurations and upgrades in the production cluster.

Ongoing Support and Maintenance

To safeguard the continuity and success of the programme, CloudRaft provided continuous support and maintenance services, positioning themselves as a reliable long-term technology partner.


“I approached CloudRaft in search of RedHat OpenShift experts, particularly with backup solutions. Since our first interaction, I knew I could trust CloudRaft's team to understand my needs and deliver. I was new to OpenShift. Fortunately, CloudRaft's team helped me to navigate and resolve the internal configuration issues, ensuring the project's success. They even created a new test environment on a virtual platform, replicating data from our existing setup. Everything was done within a month!” – Ran, CTO.

Get an Expert Consultation

We provide end-to-end solution and support for the Cloud Native Disaster Recovery and Backup Solution.